Street photography is an exciting genre of photography. It can be difficult to find the right moment and it takes a lot of skill, but with patience, you’ll make it happen! With so many people focusing on it, spontaneous scenes it’s not always easy to achieve successful results. However, if you follow our tips, you shouldn’t have any trouble catching special pearls. Being a street photographer means loving the unknown. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance to shoot deep moments spontaneously. You tell the stories that no one else notices, the roads offer so much potential! To be a successful street photographer, you need skills and creativity to react spontaneously. Here are a few tips for you.

What is street photography all about?
These photos are often taken in public places and show the world through the eyes of a stranger. The person who takes these photos may look at their surroundings with curiosity or fascination. Street photography is about capturing life in public spaces. And unlike the name suggests, a street photo doesn’t have to be taken on or near a street, you can practice this art anywhere!
Street photography is one way to capture life in public space. It’s not tied to a specific location, so you can take these photos anywhere! The photographer’s patience and perseverance are particularly required here in order to achieve significant results.
They are not spontaneous mediocre images
The world of street photography cannot be mastered with just any old camera. You need to know how to compose a picture correctly, and it takes some time and practice! It’s not just about taking pictures and posting them on social media, as is often done today.
Your streetscape has to pursue a goal. All the rules of photo art such as the rule of thirds, leading lines and the use of negative space also apply to this type of photography. So try to convey something specific with these pictures by addressing attentive viewers. Your pictures should awaken the viewer’s questions and thoughts, because this is the only way to make a good street scene.
Should people always be on the streetscapes?
Street photography is about capturing the moment, but it’s also important to think about composition. For example, you can add shadows or photograph abandoned objects or buildings. These pictures tell a story and make the viewer think about what might have happened here.
Spontaneous — street portrait vs. street photography
For some, street portraits are a genre of street photography that combines the unadulterated and spontaneous with portraits. Purists claim that it must be done without regard to composition or setting, but there are also other opinions: Some believe that they should be grouped into one category because they both involve interaction with the local people. Others think that this type of photography deserves its own classification based on the level of interaction. But you can also use it flexibly and also make portraits spontaneously.
Purists may say that eye contact with your subject impairs the spontaneity of the moment, but it’s worth keeping it in some pictures. When someone is looking at your camera just when the shutter button has been pressed, it can often add a humorous element to casual encounters or show more intimacy than typical photos!
What do you need as a street photographer?
Street photography is about going unnoticed. It’s easier with a small camera because you don’t stand out so much and lose the anonymity you need. You need it if you spend hours on the city streets to capture the moments of life.
- For a day on the road, you need:
- Single lens camera
- Comfortable footwear
- A small bag for sundries and a packed lunch
- Replacement batteries
- Mobile phone and ID card

What rules do you have to observe in public spaces?
Whether legal or not, taking photos in public spaces can be a dilemma. It is certainly allowed to photograph anything that is publicly available, but even if you only capture moments that happen around us, you should always respect people’s personal rights. That’s why we should pay attention to where our camera lenses end up when we point to something personal (such as a homeless person’s bedroom).
Respect on the road
As a street photographer, you need to respect your subjects. If they don’t want photos taken of them, or if the situation feels wrong, just pick another subject!
The best way to get someone’s attention is to smile. If the person notices you after you’ve photographed them, nod your head and say “thank you” before you go on in peace!
It’s not worth getting into a dispute for a picture. Friendliness and openness are more important than enforcing your own will and perhaps even hurting someone as a result.
Photographing children on the street
When you’re photographing children, it’s important that you ask permission before you take pictures. If the child’s guardians are not present or they don’t give you permission, you should hide their faces carefully so that they can’t be identified in photos later.
10 ideas for beginners:
1. Photographing street artists
Keep in mind that these artists are used to being photographed. So before you start shooting, it’s best if they have a few bucks in their hat first! Take as much time as you need for the shoot; use different angles. Get in touch if they have business cards and send the pictures back when they ask for them.
2. Distance, to be sure
If you don’t want to approach a stranger, shoot from a distance. As long as it is difficult for you to approach a stranger, you should take pictures from a distance. I don’t mean unpacking your telephoto lens. Just look for street and city scenes that you can photograph.
3. It doesn’t always have to be beautiful pictures
Street photography isn’t just about producing the best quality. Of course, your pictures should have all good qualities, but it’s more about your photo conveying a message and making the viewer think.
We all have a natural curiosity about people and things. When you’re taking photos, try to elicit those emotions in your subjects rather than focusing on their beauty or perfection.
4. Take pictures from a building
To avoid being confronted with your subject, try shooting into a building from the street. Window security can give you some protection, but remember that if you’re caught in action, you’ll have to smile!
5. It doesn’t always have to be the face
There are many ways to take interesting shots. One of the most overlooked is the back shot, which lets you capture an entire scene without any visible clues as to who your subject might have been! To do this successfully, however, you need to plan ahead – find people with eye-catching clothes and hats to hide them.
6. Animals are also a good object
Animals are a special object for appealing pictures! It’s a great way to capture her beauty and personality. It can also lead to good conversations with the pet owner. Get on your knees when you take close-ups of these furry friends, because they’ll feel more comfortable in front of the camera than if you were standing up straight.
7. Find a suitable stage
When you find a good background and light, take the time to wait for the right person. Here you can combine the background with different objects. Focus your camera on where your subject is and wait.
8. Shooting silhouettes
Street photography is a great way to photograph anonymous subjects. Make sure you have the perfect background that is bright before you wait for your subject to pass in that direction. If necessary, use exposure compensation so that they stay dark but can still be captured with the camera!
9. Play with light and shadow
The best time to play with light and shadow in street photography is when you’re faced with the sun. Look for clusters and see how she behaves with people passing by. Exposure compensation can also help compensate for differences between shots. This goes far beyond adjusting ISO or shutter speed.
10. Wait patiently for the right moment! To be successful in street photography, you need to know your gear, look for opportunities, and take advantage of them when they present themselves. It’s about being vigilant so that those short moments can turn into great shots.
Conclusion: Be inspired by street life!
Street photography is a fantastic way to document life as it happens, and there are many different ways you can do that. The best thing about this genre? It has no fixed definition! So go on your next adventure with an open mind!