It’s easier than you think to paint a picture, you just need to know where to start! This article shows how easy it can be. You’ll also learn what first steps are needed to be successful! Some helpful tips and tricks will help you make learning to paint a lot easier than expected.

Just start painting
Kids just start painting. They don’t sit for hours and think about what they could paint next. The older you get, the more difficult it is to be creative without thinking too much or worrying too much, because both keep us from creating anything new at all! But there is nothing to worry about, because the idea is clear in your head, can also follow the hands. As easy as we learn to write, we can also learn to control a brush.
Take a piece of paper and a pen of your choice and start drawing. You can make zigzags to draw an arc, or just a continuous curve! There are also all kinds of shapes, just try to create something new.
Don’t worry about what you want to create, just let your hand paint freely, without any instruction. Relax your body and mind and enjoy this moment. As a beginner, you don’t need pressure or stress because you can’t learn how to paint realistically right away, because that comes with time and practice. Feel free to use colors and shapes and have fun doing it.
Conclusion: Painting is a skill that can be easily learned by children. They don’t think about it, they just take what their hands find and start painting! The older you get, the more difficult it is to just let off steam with a few colors on paper or canvas and be creative. That’s why it’s important to relax and be clear about it first.
Art and experimenting with colors are the journey of free soul.
Be realistic in your expectations
Modesty is the be-all and end-all of painting. If you try and fail, don’t be discouraged, but learn from your mistakes. Painting is a journey of self-discovery. You can’t expect to create great art right from the start, but when you’re ready to take your time and explore your creativity without expectations, that’s what makes it so refreshing!
Don’t be afraid to start over
You shouldn’t focus on a single image. If you’re not sure what’s next, finish this sheet and start again on a different screen with an open mind for new ideas! Learning to paint is always about looking at your work afterwards, and the more you can explore your experiments in an afternoon or evening, the faster you’ll learn your craft. Never forget to be relaxed and relaxed about your picture, because when you’re under pressure, nothing creative comes out of it.
Don’t focus on complicated techniques
Mastering your hand isn’t even close enough. You also need your head so you can follow where your creativity takes you! Don’t burden yourself with technical know-how if it doesn’t help you get closer to an idea. It’s not about mastering every new technique, but about developing a feeling for painting.
Let your hands off oil paint for now
Oil painting is a complicated craft that requires time and patience to learn. For those who are just starting out, it’s best not to choose such a difficult art form as oil painting. The paints not only smell bad, but are also unhealthy, and the strong solvents are also unpleasant. This could quickly become frustrating if you have a bad experience!

Start with a watercolor set
Watercolor paints are a great way to get started in the world of painting. They’re much easier than oil paints because you can paint them on paper and then simply let them dry before you put them away for later use! Watercolor paints are perfect when it comes to learning something new, they dry very quickly, are easier to handle and store.
Be specific about the choice of paper
Simplicity is the key to painting success. You need a simple process, with inexpensive materials that won’t break your budget and get the job done well without being too difficult or time-consuming. It’s important that you don’t have too much reverence for the materials so that your creativity can flow and you’re not afraid to make mistakes. But there is one exception, when it comes to paper, you should be more specific and look for good quality. Because it can be frustrating when you paint with watercolors and the paper is waving and soaking through.
Watercolor paintings need a special type of paper that was developed specifically for this medium. It is recommended to buy about 150 grams, but the cheaper the better!
Conclusion: What is your goal?
The great thing about painting for beginners is that it doesn’t have to be serious. You can have a lot of fun with the materials and explore all your creative possibilities without worrying too much about whether what you’re doing might not seem “real” or artistically valuable! The most important aspect for someone who is just trying out an art form like this is to make sure they know which style suits them best. Set realistic goals and work towards them without putting too much pressure on them.